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Make Better Decisions by Addressing Emotional Difficulties

We identify underlying psychological patterns to predict people's emotions, feelings, and behavior in their learning, professional productivity, marketing, and customer service.

Emotional Health


Learn about emotional health and identify the patterns of your emotions and feelings

Software de Convivencia Escolar

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All emotions

  • We decipher emotional and behavioral patterns.

  • We identify coping mechanisms from children aged 4 to adults aged 60.

  • We predict how they make decisions, manage stress, emotions and navigate difficult situations

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Emotional health

  • We predict potential problems before they escalate.

  • We create personalized interventions based on individual emotional and behavioral data.

  • We improve academic and professional performance, and general well-being

Improve decision making and emotional decisions

Oscar Gutierrez, Director of Wellbeing

Benedictine College of Saint Mary

Knowing what bothers each student or teacher, how it hinders their learning and academic performance, and how it affects their relationships with their friends has allowed me to create wellbeing policies that are more in line with their needs.
  • Conquer Burnout and Mental Health: Empowering HR with Clio AI
    Conquer Burnout and Mental Health: Empowering HR with Clio AI
    Wed, Sep 11
    Sep 11, 2024, 6:30 PM GMT-5 – Nov 13, 2024, 7:20 PM GMT-5
    Sep 11, 2024, 6:30 PM GMT-5 – Nov 13, 2024, 7:20 PM GMT-5
    This engaging and informative session will provide you with the latest insights, tools, and strategies to effectively address burnout in your organization, ensuring employee well-being and boosting overall performance.
  • Bullying Prevention Framework
    Bullying Prevention Framework
    Sat, May 25
    Location is TBD
    May 25, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM GMT-5
    Location is TBD
    May 25, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM GMT-5
    Location is TBD
    We are pleased to announce our first event for all counselors, teachers and directives who need help reducing bullying in their schools. We will learn about identifying our student coping mechanisms, how to create a personalized curriculum, and create a data-driven AI school that prevents bullying.

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Our mission

We want people to make better decisions around themselves. To be able to predict how to handle others' emotions, their stress, and help them navigate difficult situations.


We are building artificial intelligence that improves outcomes in our lives and helps us make better decisions.

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